Thursday, March 31, 2005

The House that Yummy Built; Body Movin'

After a lunch meeting with my 'editor' I took a stroll around the district around the news office. I stumbled upon a place called 'The Yummy House' which offers ex-pats like myself the luxury of western goods. It's western prices (~$3 US for taco shells, $2 US for Kraft Mac & Cheese Spirals) but worth it just for a small treat from home. So, I have found my hook up for everything from chips and salsa to Fabreeze. Nothing says 'first world' quite like being able to de-odarize your close without washing them. Thanks Yummy. You're good peoples.

Body Movin'/Body Body Movin'

This morning while I was teaching I heard quite possibly the best euphamism for 'making whoopie' (i.e. sex). In small groups my students had to present one American holiday to the class. One group chose Valentine's Day. They talked about how it was a day for lovers and how romance is the main theme. They said that boyfriends will take their girlfriends to the park for a romantic night. I asked, "Why do lovers go to the park?" My student, Chris, replied, "to mutually organize a romantic movement."

Don't fool yourself, we're talking BODY movement here, nothing of the social kind. I had to take a 5 mintue break just to stop laughing. Props to him for adding the consentual qualifier 'mutually'. Way to go Chris, way to go.

peace. paul.

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