Saturday, August 14, 2004

The First Day of the Rest of My Life

We arrived safe, sound and on time to the Hong Kong airport last night. Everything went as planned. As I write this a day later, however, jet lag continues to drag me down. Jet lag is the new hangover. With a strong boost of adrenaline we stayed up pretty late last night to soak up our new surroundings. Maryknoll House, where we're staying in Stanley Village, Hong Kong, is totally sweet. Maryknoll built this house in 1926 after the Chinese said, "We'll give you this crappy land in the boondocks where you have to climb a hill just to get a nice view. Take that Catholics, with your... your... dumb morals! There, we said it. Fine. Teach. See if we care!" Last laugh = Maryknolls. Stanley Village is now the Beverly Hills of the HK, we wake and rest with a balcony view of skyrise condos and the calm South China Sea. Not too shabby...

After minimal sleep, we thought it was a good idea to trek around and get lost in the big city. It was sooooo bomb. With Birks strapped to my feet and a camera strapped to my hand, we destroyed HK on foot, ferrry and train. We got these 'octopus cards' for the pub. transit system and can top them up as we go. Sized about 2 credit cards thick, the card acts like a security card that is pressed against a sensor anytime we board a bus, subway or ferry. This week I'm gonna work on jumping up on to the sensor, or just flicking my back pocket for effect. Freestyle swiping anyone?

Steve Morrow from Notre Dame, on the far right of the linked picture below, was our tour guide for the day because he is the Emperor of Hong Kong and is the nephew of the dude who founded the city after he drove out a band of Singaporianese rebels who were controlling HK from afar though commission bourgeois and local warlords. That's a blatant lie. He lived here during 1st and 2nd grade, but everytime he's introduced to Maryknolls the legend grows. We did call him the emperor, though. No, seriously, we did.

Jet lag is destroying me and my funnyometer now, so I must hit the sack before I do any more damage. For more pictoral pleasure, check out the updated online photo album.

Thought of the day: Travelling likens us to children, bewildering us with new atmospheres. We are always excited and ask questions in hopes of understanding the unfamiliar.

Be excellent to each on dudes. peace. paul.

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