Thursday, November 30, 2006

All sales final

Last week, before winter winds swiftly moved on the city, large stacks of Bai Cai cabbage (白菜) and other various veggies were being sold en masse on just about every street corner.

The scenes were frantic. People lined up (or didn't) and stocked up on cheap, fresh vegetables for winter soups. Likely, the farmers and sellers had many excess heads and wanted to move them before they froze, spoiled, or both.

Going for only a few cents per jin (a Chinese measurement eq. to about .5 kg), I saw wheelbarrows arrive empty and leave full. Other patrons simply strapped the bagged heads onto the back carriers of their bikes. This kept the gloved lettuce peddlers more than busy haggling over price and shucking off brown and yellow layers while moving literally tons of product.

Once people buy the greens, they often don't have the space or the freezer room to put the veggies inside, so they are left to sit outside. I'm sure this is really safe and should be encouraged. On the left is a picture of one pile chilling out in front of my apartment door. They look... delicious? Maybe?

Now, outdoor markets are very common here and most produce is left out to the elements before being sold or spoiled. Never before have I seen massive piles in the streets though.

These stacks stayed outside my flat for about a week before being brought inside to their owner's freezers, perhaps slightly smaller due to evaporation and rot. Mmmm...

Bai Cai was by far the most common veggie sold. Yet, at a few corners one could pick up different varieties of onions, potatoes, gourds, carrots, and other root vegetables. These, of course, didn't require the above 200 jin scale, but a more tactful 20 jin one below.

For more pictures of these markets, visit my flickr photos. I'll post more soon.

peace, love, and tons of cabbage. paul.

Above: Large bundles of of onion stalks draws spectators and lucky buyers.

Left: Women sift through carrots and potatoes to find the season's best.


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Anonymous said...

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